Holidays come once a year and hopefully vacations come more often. Many members put a little money away regularly in anticipation of these big events. It’s a much better alternative to charging, since interest rates are applied to your savings instead of your credit card bill! Whether you’re saving for something special or just planning ahead for holiday expenses, our Vacation and Holiday Club accounts can help you reach your goals-by making it easier for you to start and stick to a regular savings plan.
Funds in Holiday and Vacation Club accounts are automatically transferred to your primary savings account as follows:
Questions about joining the Holiday or Vacation Clubs? Please contact our Member Services team at (201) 659-3900 Ext. 7 for assistance.
“I’ve accomplished so much since joining Liberty Savings. The assistance of the Member Services Team has been amazing. They are not like regular banks. They truly put people first here. Keep doing what you’re doing!
– Liberty Savings Member
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